Archive for the ‘Weather’ Category

Brrrrr still…

May 2, 2008

Blog Entry 04-15-08 A Tuesday without what you suspect…
Today was soooo cold, a high of 10 here…50 degrees and the promise tomorrow of more of the same, only colder, down to ZERO! That’s 32 for all you Californians and this is APRIL! At least there isn’t snow! Shit! The house project was put on hold as we sought refuge in the Toyota to keep us warm for the day, yes diesel is expensive but comfort is comfort and we needed a dose of it to keep our spirits up. So off we went to Leroy Merlin in Chateauroux to get wood for the wall clothing project and new aluminum tubes for the curtains in the dining room, they needed to be stiffer and in one piece. Leroy has LOTS of Quincallerie (hardware) and I found the bits (good English term) I need to repair and create the new rods. Off then to other stores to fulfill our needs for the rest of the afternoon, at least we were warm.
Back to Rue Ruin Americaine I undertook the job of replacing the existing computer with the one I brought from the US. Far more modern and capable of video it will do us for the next year or so. I am a computer conservative…I’m at least one generation behind the current and sometimes more…I am holding on the Windows XP as well in deference to Windows Vista until I hear something good about it and it’s been almost 2 years since it was released. Where’s Google when you need them?
Tomorrow the curtains will be made and installed in the Parlor with any luck at all. I bought the material needed to hang the curtain rod holders so all I need to do is fabricate the holders. A simple job, surely!

The French Cold

May 2, 2008

Blog Entry 03-26-08
It is now Wednesday, we have been “in country” since Friday evening, we are adjusting to The Cold day by day, hour by hour. The largess of the mansion stays at 43.5 degrees with a little rise during the day and a little drop at night, less than 2 degrees either way. The Office is our place of daytime residence, we have an oil-filled standing heater with 2 heater gizmos that keep the room at or near 60 degrees, not the warmest I’ve ever been but livable. The Dining Room is similarly equipped and has a similar temperature gradient. So much for the heating, the weather is cloudy, very cool and has occasional rain, sleet and hail along with snow. Nice. The trees look dead, no flowers like in California, Spring is somewhat a while off here. We ran around yesterday doing banking, telephone and power company chores along with a visit to the wonderful folks at the Tourist Board for which we would likely have packed it in and moved elsewhere if it weren’t for them. We owe them, big time!
We prevailed upon Mary (of Tourist Board Fame) to help us reestablish our telephone/DSL connection with good ol’ France Telecom AFTER we drove, billing papers in hand to St. Amand to get them to accept our apologies and payment to date and turn our precious communications with the world back on. Alas after several minutes of utter language confusion it was discovered that the only way we could restart the service was to send payment to the France Telecom office in Orleans. Damn. So we wandered off, back to the car and drove back home. On the way I was struck by a flash of genius! Let’s get Mary to come over for lunch and she can do the calling to FT for us and all will heal itself right away. So we stopped at the Tourist Board and spoke with Mary, she agreed but only to do it after work, fine with us and away we went. Home, we puttered about, napped as is our habit and awaited the arrival of Mary. She came, she went, she came again and went again…and was successful at making the payment and reestablishing our service ON-LINE as it turns out. If we had only known we could have avoided all of this that first evening. Oh well…
The Kats: They stay near us, or on us, for the most part. Because we are warm or hang around where it is warm or like, in the case of the bed, have Ted’s electric blanket ON. Else they crawl into folds of blankets or clothing and sleep their furry lives away dreaming of the California sunshine no doubt, just like us. Furry spent much of yesterday while we were out in the courtyard sniffing at dead flowers and grasses, cautiously looking around every bush and corner to see if any other denizen of the area has invaded her territory, if so she will run! No Lean has no such interest right now, heat is numero Uno for her and she stays where there is some parity towards warmth. She is smart that way.
We are sitting right now in the Office awaiting the warming of the hot water for showers, se stink I’m sure as it has been days! We brought the little hot air blower over from #10 yesterday for just this purpose. The oil-filled heater downstairs has been turned off and all other appliances of an electrical nature likewise are inert. We must turn off everything else as various combinations which we do not know WILL cause a power outage if they are on. Why? Because we are limited to some kind of power conservation scheme of EDF (our Power company) which will not allow more than some small amount of amperage to be consumed at any one time, thus the outage if we overuse…forced conservation. It will take a while for the water to heat, an hour should do fine to heat the 100 liter tank to 145 degrees F. and get the room to something warmer than it was with the little blower. Then shower, dress and turn off the hot water again and reestablish the heaters in each room for the rest of the day. Whoopee!