Posts Tagged ‘Loire Valley’

Moving Day Has Arrived…

July 2, 2008

I’m mad at and Google it’s owner why? Well the Obama debacle didn’t help either.  Why?  Well that silly Adsense site is an amusing distraction for sure, with no statistics shown and no idea where any watchers are coming from what difference does any ad make?  I have a small readership, dedicated but small and I thought my babling about all things French might attract a small audience.  Then along came Adsense, make a bit of cash for no effort at all, just write and If your keywords match some mystical LIST then you get a penny for your thoughts everytime someone clicks on an ad they place on your page.  Simple isn’t it?  No, it’s not.  You have little or no control on which ads are placed on the page and when they are changed isn’t up to you either, and finding out how many HITS you get on those ads is also a secret…so without any answers to these mysteries I’m going to take my blog to WordPress where all these vexing little details are taken care of.  Besides it’s nearly Hometown grown to me, being based in SF.  They even collected my past blogs except for 2 (??) and moved them with one click to the new site.  Slick.  To the reader they probably don’t LOOK any different as I’m pretty conservative when it comes to my blog and flashy page construction.  For a while I’ll post in both places and see how it feels, eventually I’ll either stay with Google/Blogger or I’ll be here at WordPress.  The link to my blog at WordPress is:


L is in town, well…not exactly IN town but at her place OUTSIDE of town on the road to La Chatre to the south.  It’s lil’ Nik’s B-Day today and we are going over to have a meal and drink a bit as is the local custom and wish him a happy 35th! 


Here’s our link for our Cute, cute, cute French house for sale on eBay.  Change your Life!